Thursday, March 24, 2011


today we went over our quizes and took notes on the quiz so we can use it to study for our final exam. we also got our project assisgnments. I got homer. I think im going to do a powerpoint. Today was also my birthday!
today we took a test on the greek movie we watched in  the previous days. It was really hard, i didnt think i passed at first but i did. i got a 83!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

watched the movie

  • pricles
  • the figure associated with bringing democracy
  • he waned to the recunstruct the giant hillin the middle of athens
  • he wanted to builed a parthenon
  • a parthenon is a building
  • it was a gsant tribute to the godess athena
  • this prject required 20,000 tons of marble
  • it took 15 years to builed
  • inside it has a giant statue of athena
  • the building represents the first town with democracy
  • they had oney cming from surrounding colonies and leagues
  • they had taxes back then
  • aspasia was pricles wife
  • he divorced his fit wif for apasia
  • pricls treated aspasia as an equao,no a lesser women
  • she wrote his speechs
  • she was invited to participate in conversations and choices in the town
  • the worlds first theatre was in apocoles
  • the greeks invented drama
  •  odeipetus was taken from his parents
  •  he acheived greatness 
  • mythical
  • he defeated the sphinx
  • little did paraicles know he would gring undespute terror to his city
  • huberus- arrogance and pride
  • he declared war with sparta,the only other city state with enough power ot beat the athineans

Thursday, March 17, 2011

watched a video

  • rich people use to compete agaisnt rich people
  • then it amounted to anyone being ble to fight
  • 40,000 people came to these competitions and duels
  • winning a competition would be the highlight of his life
  • women could not compete
  • isagoris was at stake for power
  • he would of turned athens into a subject state for sparta
  • the ordianr people fought the spartans
  • the ordinary people won
  • clisenties imvented deomcracy
  • ordinry people and the rich people could vote
  • every nine days they would vote on things such as road building and taxes
  • pheidippeds ran 142 miles in 2 days to deliver the good news
  • hopoligthts werre professional soldiers
  •  6,000 persians were stugltered and defeated

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Watched a movie

  • 508 bc- in athens the ordinary people turned on their rulers.
  • clistenies-a athenian ruler who let the ordinary people have freedom
  • 570 bc was when clistenies was born
  • aristocrat-born to rule, born into wealth and money
  • acropolis where athens was founed 
  • readin and writing was rare
  • life expenticy was 15 years or less
  • common athenians lived under the rule of the aristocrats
  •  the whole country was in the hands of a few people
  • the commmon athineans had no part in anything
  • greece was divided into countless regionds called city-states
  • they all had different rulers
  • it was not one big country 
  • they fought and could not get along
  • they mostly spoke the same language
  • worshiped the same gods
  • they just didnt get along
  • they competed ships 
  • corinthians domiated most nations
  • sparta had miliatry and could conquer all of the regions greece
  • they were raised under disapline and war
  • born to fight
  • they were seperated from their family
  • they only had a few things other then their weapons
  • most of sparta was destined to die, cuz death wasnt as bad as the life they were living
  • they conquerd all of the surrounding regions
  • sparta was always a threat
  • Arete
    virtue-and excellance
    epics-narrative poems celebratating heroic deeds
    myths were created to explain creation
  • homer wrote the illiad and the oddesy 
  • tyrant-ruler
  • pisistratus was clisetnies brother-in-law
  • he was not a bad tryant 
  • he came in and took over with the protection of the godess

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


  • very mountainess
  • Aproximately 1,400 islands in the Angean and lonian seas
  • location shaped its culture
  • skilled sailors
  • poor natural resources
  • difficlt to unit the Anciant Greaks becuase of the terrain'developed small,independent comunities.
  • aproximaltey 205 suitlable for farming
  • dertile valleys cover 1/4 of the peninsula
  • becuase g geogrphy the grrek diet consists of grains,grapes and olives
  • lack od resources most likely led to greek colonization
  • temperatures range from 48 in winter to 80 in the summer
  • its modern
  • its temprate
  • began ariyb 2000 bc
  • located ob a rocky rdge and proteected b a 20 feet wall
  • dominbated greece from 1600-1200 bc
  • 1400 they invade crete qnd  mnioan culture and language
Culture in decline
  • around 1200 bc sea people bagan t invade mysenea  and burnt after placeth dorians moved into the war-torn region
  • far less advanced
  • economy collapsed
  • writingdissapeared for 40 years there  
Homer and myths
  • stories passed with oral presentation
  • homer lived ingreak dark aeges
  • Recorded the stoy of the trojan war lliad and the odessy
  •  homer was blind
virtue-and excellance
epics-narrative poems celebratating heroic deeds
myths were created to explain creation
-zeus: leader of the gods
-hera: zeus' wife
-Athena: godess of wisdom

Friday, March 11, 2011

watched a movie

The movie we watched was about the  Greeks. The movie talked about Athens. The life expectancy at births was 15. The Corinthians dominated ancient Greece. Spartans, from birth, were to be soldiers .  Spartans conquered mace then 4,000 square miles. The Greeks inspirations were their past and myths. They were inspired to keep fighting against  The Spartans.Greece was in the middle of many great civilizations.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


today we reviewed our quizzes that we took on papua new guinea