Tuesday, March 15, 2011


  • very mountainess
  • Aproximately 1,400 islands in the Angean and lonian seas
  • location shaped its culture
  • skilled sailors
  • poor natural resources
  • difficlt to unit the Anciant Greaks becuase of the terrain'developed small,independent comunities.
  • aproximaltey 205 suitlable for farming
  • dertile valleys cover 1/4 of the peninsula
  • becuase g geogrphy the grrek diet consists of grains,grapes and olives
  • lack od resources most likely led to greek colonization
  • temperatures range from 48 in winter to 80 in the summer
  • its modern
  • its temprate
  • began ariyb 2000 bc
  • located ob a rocky rdge and proteected b a 20 feet wall
  • dominbated greece from 1600-1200 bc
  • 1400 they invade crete qnd  mnioan culture and language
Culture in decline
  • around 1200 bc sea people bagan t invade mysenea  and burnt after placeth dorians moved into the war-torn region
  • far less advanced
  • economy collapsed
  • writingdissapeared for 40 years there  
Homer and myths
  • stories passed with oral presentation
  • homer lived ingreak dark aeges
  • Recorded the stoy of the trojan war lliad and the odessy
  •  homer was blind
virtue-and excellance
epics-narrative poems celebratating heroic deeds
myths were created to explain creation
-zeus: leader of the gods
-hera: zeus' wife
-Athena: godess of wisdom

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