Tuesday, March 22, 2011

watched the movie

  • pricles
  • the figure associated with bringing democracy
  • he waned to the recunstruct the giant hillin the middle of athens
  • he wanted to builed a parthenon
  • a parthenon is a building
  • it was a gsant tribute to the godess athena
  • this prject required 20,000 tons of marble
  • it took 15 years to builed
  • inside it has a giant statue of athena
  • the building represents the first town with democracy
  • they had oney cming from surrounding colonies and leagues
  • they had taxes back then
  • aspasia was pricles wife
  • he divorced his fit wif for apasia
  • pricls treated aspasia as an equao,no a lesser women
  • she wrote his speechs
  • she was invited to participate in conversations and choices in the town
  • the worlds first theatre was in apocoles
  • the greeks invented drama
  •  odeipetus was taken from his parents
  •  he acheived greatness 
  • mythical
  • he defeated the sphinx
  • little did paraicles know he would gring undespute terror to his city
  • huberus- arrogance and pride
  • he declared war with sparta,the only other city state with enough power ot beat the athineans

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