Friday, April 29, 2011

2nd Reading Assignment

assembly- the democratic side of Roman government made up of all citizen,soldiers

consuls- two officials in the place of a king

veto- to overrule a decision made by others.

senate- the aristocratic branch of Rome's government made up of 100 patricians.

Dictator- a leader who had absolute power

Mercenary- a soldier who fights in any country's army

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Today- April 28

Today we took a pop quiz on the Romee worksheet we did in class yesterday. I got a 90% percent on it cuz i only got one thing wrong. Then we went over the material and we were also assigned new material to study,answer,and Read. Mr.Schick already told us we will have another pop quiz tomorrow. The pop quiz tomorrow Will be on the homework we have tonight.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


  • republic- political unit that is not ruled by a monarchy, where citizans have the right to vote.
  • Gravitas - weightiness or seriousness
  • pater families- the father of the families
  • toga- common wear for the romans
  • patrician- privileged or very wealthy families that ruled the Roman Society
  • plebeian- common people, with common jobs (artisans,farmers,etc)
  • legion- a massive military unit
  • century-100 years
  1. Rome was like the central point within the central peninsula. It also had a lot of exporting and importing by ships.
  2. All three groups (Greek,Latins,and Etruscans) built up around Rome, there for making it stronger.
  3. Common Roman values were discipline,family,strength,and loyalty.
  4. The pater familias (the fathers) had all the power in the family.They protected the family.
  5. Woman had many rights, they could, own their own land,testify in court, and they were in charge of the household.
  6. Men were only allowed to serve, and men could have a high pay- very important job in office with out serving for 10 years.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Alexander's Conquests- Emily Kennedy
  • Born in Pella,capital of Macedonia
  • Aristotle Alexander's personal tutor
  • he was the son of Phillip
  • First attack: Thessaly
  • second: thracoans
  • third: illyrians
  • fourth: Persia
  • firth:king deres the 3rd
  • sixth :tyre
  • seventh:Gaza
  • eith: fought Egypt and gained control of the Mediterranean
  • then he died in 323 b.c at the age of 32 from a deadly fever?
  • after he died he his lands were divided into four kingdoms
  • hes known for his leadership,heroicness,perseverance,and greatness
  • did Alexander grow up in a very wealthy family?
  • how old was Alexander when he took power?
  • was Alexanders dad a king?
  • 100%
Today we went over some potential test questions that are going to be on the test tomorrow.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great

Aristotle was Alexanders tutor,
Phillip was Alexanders dad
usefilis, was Alexanders horse
Guagamela war

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hellenic Age- Amir Parker
  • In 323 BC when Alexander the great died in Babylon
  • His death marked the beginning of the Hellenic age
  • after his death his empire was divided into 4 kingdoms
  • 270 BC Aristarchus discovered that the earth revolves around the sun
  • 250 BC Archimedes a Greek mathematician announces his theories on the laws of gravity
  • 264 Bic (fist  Punic war) the war was fought between Carthage and the roman republic
  • Archimedes was killed during this age
  • the war ended in 214 BC when the Romans defeated Carthage
  • 218-201 BC (second Punic war) roman declared war on spain
  • Rome won the war
  • 149-146 BC (third Punic war)
  • between Rome and cartage
  • Rome won
 1. why was Rome so strong?
2. how loing was the Hellenic age?
when did it end?
100 %

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


today we watched the mpvie for the 5,000th time. We learned about socrated ,how he was very smart but did't hever personal hygene at all. Thats gross.
greeks leter in life took out the gods from the heaens and came to theory that the sun,star, etc were objects not gods.
socrates always used logic for everything


greek art- Madi Day
  • painting,pottery,music,and sculpture
  • myron was a greekr sculptor in the 5th century, famous for sculptures of athletics
  • he was a comtemparary artist
  • Phidias was born in 400 b.c, famous for sculpting zuess of olympis
  • he scultped athen ht was locatred in the parthenon
  • he was te greatest sculptur in greece
  • Lysipis was the founder of portraits. all of his statues were made of bronze, he sculpted gods and famous people,he sculpted hercules
  • polyclitus he did many nude sculptures made of bronze, they were mostly always atheletes and godesses
  • praxeltels was a sculpter, he made hi sculptures out of marble, he used marble to resemble the softeness of the skin.
  • Scopas of paris, he was a sculpturer that helped builed statue and temples. 
  • was being an artiwt a common job?
  • about how many artist where there back then?
  • was greek art the begininnig of all art?
  • 92%
Greek Drama- Mark Micheal
  • greek drama was theatrical culture that flourished  in acient grreece between 550 and 220 b.c
  • greek drama was taken very seriuos and was very importat to the grreks.
  •  comody where play that mocked people in power
  • comedy was a fiction ut  believble
  • tragic playes were neither true nor beliveabloe
  • tragice plays werent always tragic, sometimes they had good edings
  • tragexy has to do with lov,crime,or losing some one close
  • styr plays were short plays they showed during act in tragedies to be funny
  • the theatres they watched plays in were called theatron
  • ochatra was where they played music 
  • skene was a stone structure o serve as backdropsthe actors 
  • wass acting a ommon job/hw?
  •  how many theatres wher there?
  • how much was it to go to te plays?
  • 100%
Greek Armies and Battles-Jason Drager
  •  trojan war took place in many cities, not only troy
  • the goal was to take as many supplies as possible to take to troy
  • 1194-1184 b.c
  • warriors made a giant hor and got into the city like that, nsid the horse, this was a very mythin
  • the pelopenisian war was bfrom 431 b.s to 404 b.c
  • the was r was between the spartans and athinians
  • weapons: sheild,spear,ballista,dgge/sword,.and a catapult
  • alexander the great, the best commander of all tim, was undefeated in battle, he invaded india but was forced back and died in bablyon 323b.c 
  • when alexander the great left india left his eecond in command,eudemus, he took the terriotries of the indian king and put te king to death, he got vry powerful
  • were there any other weapons?
  • where they always at battle with someone?
  • was there always one commander?
  • 92% 

Friday, April 8, 2011


Trial of Socrates- Emily Stasuk
  • born in athens 469 B.C
  • he was a philosopher
  • he often asked questions like what is wisdom, hat is beauty?,what is wisdom?,what is the right thing to do?
  • 399 b.c people expressed their anger tawords socrates questions.
  • socrates was killed with hemlock
  • hemlock is a poisenous plant, that kills you
  • he was sentenced death at the age 70
  • there was a large trial where athinieans voted on wether to kill him or not.
  • he was sentenced death 
  • when he was in jail, he had alot of supporters and people would guard him in his jail cell
Greek Arcetecture- Rachel Weskalnies
  • architecture began in 700 b.c on the athiniean shore
  • tnhey built, tombs,theatres,and temples.
  • was there alot of building built in greek once they found out about archetecture?
  • Where those the obly 3 typre of building structures in greece?
  •  100%

Greek poets- Elena Fernandez
  •   Emipidies-born in crate, poet,prohet
  •  Pindar- greatest lyric poem in ncient greece
  • sappha-first women poet,she was also a singer, she was boen twaords the begingin of the 7th century
  • how many ppoets were there back then in ancient greece?
  • was being a poet a common job?
  •  98%
The age of pericles- Cole Alban
  • pericles was an aristocrat
  • he lived in the golden age
  • he was surrounded by wealth
  • he built the prthenon
  • started the poloponesion war
  • he gave people power to vote
  • th epathenon was the greatest structure he ahs ever built
  • it took about 15 years to build
  • it costed 1 billion dollars to build
  • how old was pericles when he died?
  • was percilies a big ruler?
  • how did pericles died?
  • 100%

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Greek Philosophers- Colleen McCormick
  • socrates was ridiculed for his studies.
  • Antsthenes was one of the most important Athenian philosphers
  • Plato was a student of socrates but his ideas were inspired by parmenides
  • allegroy the cave
  • aristotle happiness is the goal of life
  • he belived that the greates human endeavor is the use of reason in theory of moral activity
  • thales was the first ever western philospher
  1. was being a philospher a popular job or hobby back then?
  2. Was being a philospher worng, or frowned upon?
  3. Who was the firs tgreek philopher?
  4. i  give her 97%
Amir Parker
  • i missed mostof th project becuase i was in Mr.Ierton's office. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Breakthroughs of math and science- Emily Waite
  • why didn't the Greeks study algebra
  • Aristotle was a great scientist,philosopher,and great astronomer, how is philosophy related to science or math?
  • How did Aristotle describe the differences between physics and math?
  • i give her a 98%