Wednesday, April 27, 2011


  • republic- political unit that is not ruled by a monarchy, where citizans have the right to vote.
  • Gravitas - weightiness or seriousness
  • pater families- the father of the families
  • toga- common wear for the romans
  • patrician- privileged or very wealthy families that ruled the Roman Society
  • plebeian- common people, with common jobs (artisans,farmers,etc)
  • legion- a massive military unit
  • century-100 years
  1. Rome was like the central point within the central peninsula. It also had a lot of exporting and importing by ships.
  2. All three groups (Greek,Latins,and Etruscans) built up around Rome, there for making it stronger.
  3. Common Roman values were discipline,family,strength,and loyalty.
  4. The pater familias (the fathers) had all the power in the family.They protected the family.
  5. Woman had many rights, they could, own their own land,testify in court, and they were in charge of the household.
  6. Men were only allowed to serve, and men could have a high pay- very important job in office with out serving for 10 years.

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