Thursday, April 7, 2011


Greek Philosophers- Colleen McCormick
  • socrates was ridiculed for his studies.
  • Antsthenes was one of the most important Athenian philosphers
  • Plato was a student of socrates but his ideas were inspired by parmenides
  • allegroy the cave
  • aristotle happiness is the goal of life
  • he belived that the greates human endeavor is the use of reason in theory of moral activity
  • thales was the first ever western philospher
  1. was being a philospher a popular job or hobby back then?
  2. Was being a philospher worng, or frowned upon?
  3. Who was the firs tgreek philopher?
  4. i  give her 97%
Amir Parker
  • i missed mostof th project becuase i was in Mr.Ierton's office. 

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