Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Alexander's Conquests- Emily Kennedy
  • Born in Pella,capital of Macedonia
  • Aristotle Alexander's personal tutor
  • he was the son of Phillip
  • First attack: Thessaly
  • second: thracoans
  • third: illyrians
  • fourth: Persia
  • firth:king deres the 3rd
  • sixth :tyre
  • seventh:Gaza
  • eith: fought Egypt and gained control of the Mediterranean
  • then he died in 323 b.c at the age of 32 from a deadly fever?
  • after he died he his lands were divided into four kingdoms
  • hes known for his leadership,heroicness,perseverance,and greatness
  • did Alexander grow up in a very wealthy family?
  • how old was Alexander when he took power?
  • was Alexanders dad a king?
  • 100%
Today we went over some potential test questions that are going to be on the test tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. There is more information about this rubric at Greek Project Rubric (found under the Links to History on my blog).

    1) 24/25
    2) 21/25
    3) 24/25
    4) 22/25

    Total: 91/100

    You just need to work on your presentation skills a bit. People like you and want to pay attention to you, but you seemed like you couldn't wait to be finished and hurried through the delivery. I'm sure you can do better next time!

    (Your classmates gave you a 93, but they were very generous in their grading. Class average was over 97.)
