Thursday, May 26, 2011

today the class went over the test they took, i had to wait till they were done. So i went to the cafeteria to study for upcoming tests. Then we got our homework due tomorrow

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Today everyone took a test, then mr.schick assigned a 500 word essay.:(

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

today we went over the powerpoint that had the notes for the review tomorrows test.
I wont be taking the test tomorrow be cuase i have a concusiion from basketball, and my doctor said i cant take tests the rest of this week.
today we went over the powerpoint that had the notes for the review tomorrows test.
I wont be taking the test tomorrow be cuase i have a concusiion from basketball, and my doctor said i cant take tests the rest of this week.

Friday, May 6, 2011


i think i did good!
but then again when i think i do good on a test, i never do

Thursday, May 5, 2011


today we presented our projects. I had summaries of each but then when i was presenting my project my computer died and i lost all of them-____-
We presented 4 projects.
  • When Emily and Elena went they had really weird pictures of dogs dressed as soldiers and horses smiling, it was really weird. But there project was good so i would give them and 88%
  • Then Emily and Rachel went and there project was really good, but they didn't have many pictures, i give them an 95%
  • Then Me and Colleen went and our project was really good and had lots of pictures and information so I'd give us a 100%
  • Then Jason and Mark went and i think they did well but it was really short. I give them a 90% 
  • Then Amir and Cole 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Today we talkked about the quiz we took, and we  also talked about osama bin laden and his death. We also took the 2nd pop quiz again,becuase everyone did poorly on it the first time. Then we started to work on our power points with a partner. Each pair of partners had one stanza of Chi Cago's rap. We had to explain whats going on in the lyrics and who they were about

Monday, May 2, 2011

Roman Rap

                                                       tiber river
 The Etruscans and Greeks
Julias Caeser

the end

Friday, April 29, 2011

2nd Reading Assignment

assembly- the democratic side of Roman government made up of all citizen,soldiers

consuls- two officials in the place of a king

veto- to overrule a decision made by others.

senate- the aristocratic branch of Rome's government made up of 100 patricians.

Dictator- a leader who had absolute power

Mercenary- a soldier who fights in any country's army

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Today- April 28

Today we took a pop quiz on the Romee worksheet we did in class yesterday. I got a 90% percent on it cuz i only got one thing wrong. Then we went over the material and we were also assigned new material to study,answer,and Read. Mr.Schick already told us we will have another pop quiz tomorrow. The pop quiz tomorrow Will be on the homework we have tonight.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


  • republic- political unit that is not ruled by a monarchy, where citizans have the right to vote.
  • Gravitas - weightiness or seriousness
  • pater families- the father of the families
  • toga- common wear for the romans
  • patrician- privileged or very wealthy families that ruled the Roman Society
  • plebeian- common people, with common jobs (artisans,farmers,etc)
  • legion- a massive military unit
  • century-100 years
  1. Rome was like the central point within the central peninsula. It also had a lot of exporting and importing by ships.
  2. All three groups (Greek,Latins,and Etruscans) built up around Rome, there for making it stronger.
  3. Common Roman values were discipline,family,strength,and loyalty.
  4. The pater familias (the fathers) had all the power in the family.They protected the family.
  5. Woman had many rights, they could, own their own land,testify in court, and they were in charge of the household.
  6. Men were only allowed to serve, and men could have a high pay- very important job in office with out serving for 10 years.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Alexander's Conquests- Emily Kennedy
  • Born in Pella,capital of Macedonia
  • Aristotle Alexander's personal tutor
  • he was the son of Phillip
  • First attack: Thessaly
  • second: thracoans
  • third: illyrians
  • fourth: Persia
  • firth:king deres the 3rd
  • sixth :tyre
  • seventh:Gaza
  • eith: fought Egypt and gained control of the Mediterranean
  • then he died in 323 b.c at the age of 32 from a deadly fever?
  • after he died he his lands were divided into four kingdoms
  • hes known for his leadership,heroicness,perseverance,and greatness
  • did Alexander grow up in a very wealthy family?
  • how old was Alexander when he took power?
  • was Alexanders dad a king?
  • 100%
Today we went over some potential test questions that are going to be on the test tomorrow.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great

Aristotle was Alexanders tutor,
Phillip was Alexanders dad
usefilis, was Alexanders horse
Guagamela war

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hellenic Age- Amir Parker
  • In 323 BC when Alexander the great died in Babylon
  • His death marked the beginning of the Hellenic age
  • after his death his empire was divided into 4 kingdoms
  • 270 BC Aristarchus discovered that the earth revolves around the sun
  • 250 BC Archimedes a Greek mathematician announces his theories on the laws of gravity
  • 264 Bic (fist  Punic war) the war was fought between Carthage and the roman republic
  • Archimedes was killed during this age
  • the war ended in 214 BC when the Romans defeated Carthage
  • 218-201 BC (second Punic war) roman declared war on spain
  • Rome won the war
  • 149-146 BC (third Punic war)
  • between Rome and cartage
  • Rome won
 1. why was Rome so strong?
2. how loing was the Hellenic age?
when did it end?
100 %

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


today we watched the mpvie for the 5,000th time. We learned about socrated ,how he was very smart but did't hever personal hygene at all. Thats gross.
greeks leter in life took out the gods from the heaens and came to theory that the sun,star, etc were objects not gods.
socrates always used logic for everything


greek art- Madi Day
  • painting,pottery,music,and sculpture
  • myron was a greekr sculptor in the 5th century, famous for sculptures of athletics
  • he was a comtemparary artist
  • Phidias was born in 400 b.c, famous for sculpting zuess of olympis
  • he scultped athen ht was locatred in the parthenon
  • he was te greatest sculptur in greece
  • Lysipis was the founder of portraits. all of his statues were made of bronze, he sculpted gods and famous people,he sculpted hercules
  • polyclitus he did many nude sculptures made of bronze, they were mostly always atheletes and godesses
  • praxeltels was a sculpter, he made hi sculptures out of marble, he used marble to resemble the softeness of the skin.
  • Scopas of paris, he was a sculpturer that helped builed statue and temples. 
  • was being an artiwt a common job?
  • about how many artist where there back then?
  • was greek art the begininnig of all art?
  • 92%
Greek Drama- Mark Micheal
  • greek drama was theatrical culture that flourished  in acient grreece between 550 and 220 b.c
  • greek drama was taken very seriuos and was very importat to the grreks.
  •  comody where play that mocked people in power
  • comedy was a fiction ut  believble
  • tragic playes were neither true nor beliveabloe
  • tragice plays werent always tragic, sometimes they had good edings
  • tragexy has to do with lov,crime,or losing some one close
  • styr plays were short plays they showed during act in tragedies to be funny
  • the theatres they watched plays in were called theatron
  • ochatra was where they played music 
  • skene was a stone structure o serve as backdropsthe actors 
  • wass acting a ommon job/hw?
  •  how many theatres wher there?
  • how much was it to go to te plays?
  • 100%
Greek Armies and Battles-Jason Drager
  •  trojan war took place in many cities, not only troy
  • the goal was to take as many supplies as possible to take to troy
  • 1194-1184 b.c
  • warriors made a giant hor and got into the city like that, nsid the horse, this was a very mythin
  • the pelopenisian war was bfrom 431 b.s to 404 b.c
  • the was r was between the spartans and athinians
  • weapons: sheild,spear,ballista,dgge/sword,.and a catapult
  • alexander the great, the best commander of all tim, was undefeated in battle, he invaded india but was forced back and died in bablyon 323b.c 
  • when alexander the great left india left his eecond in command,eudemus, he took the terriotries of the indian king and put te king to death, he got vry powerful
  • were there any other weapons?
  • where they always at battle with someone?
  • was there always one commander?
  • 92% 

Friday, April 8, 2011


Trial of Socrates- Emily Stasuk
  • born in athens 469 B.C
  • he was a philosopher
  • he often asked questions like what is wisdom, hat is beauty?,what is wisdom?,what is the right thing to do?
  • 399 b.c people expressed their anger tawords socrates questions.
  • socrates was killed with hemlock
  • hemlock is a poisenous plant, that kills you
  • he was sentenced death at the age 70
  • there was a large trial where athinieans voted on wether to kill him or not.
  • he was sentenced death 
  • when he was in jail, he had alot of supporters and people would guard him in his jail cell
Greek Arcetecture- Rachel Weskalnies
  • architecture began in 700 b.c on the athiniean shore
  • tnhey built, tombs,theatres,and temples.
  • was there alot of building built in greek once they found out about archetecture?
  • Where those the obly 3 typre of building structures in greece?
  •  100%

Greek poets- Elena Fernandez
  •   Emipidies-born in crate, poet,prohet
  •  Pindar- greatest lyric poem in ncient greece
  • sappha-first women poet,she was also a singer, she was boen twaords the begingin of the 7th century
  • how many ppoets were there back then in ancient greece?
  • was being a poet a common job?
  •  98%
The age of pericles- Cole Alban
  • pericles was an aristocrat
  • he lived in the golden age
  • he was surrounded by wealth
  • he built the prthenon
  • started the poloponesion war
  • he gave people power to vote
  • th epathenon was the greatest structure he ahs ever built
  • it took about 15 years to build
  • it costed 1 billion dollars to build
  • how old was pericles when he died?
  • was percilies a big ruler?
  • how did pericles died?
  • 100%

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Greek Philosophers- Colleen McCormick
  • socrates was ridiculed for his studies.
  • Antsthenes was one of the most important Athenian philosphers
  • Plato was a student of socrates but his ideas were inspired by parmenides
  • allegroy the cave
  • aristotle happiness is the goal of life
  • he belived that the greates human endeavor is the use of reason in theory of moral activity
  • thales was the first ever western philospher
  1. was being a philospher a popular job or hobby back then?
  2. Was being a philospher worng, or frowned upon?
  3. Who was the firs tgreek philopher?
  4. i  give her 97%
Amir Parker
  • i missed mostof th project becuase i was in Mr.Ierton's office. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Breakthroughs of math and science- Emily Waite
  • why didn't the Greeks study algebra
  • Aristotle was a great scientist,philosopher,and great astronomer, how is philosophy related to science or math?
  • How did Aristotle describe the differences between physics and math?
  • i give her a 98%

Thursday, March 24, 2011


today we went over our quizes and took notes on the quiz so we can use it to study for our final exam. we also got our project assisgnments. I got homer. I think im going to do a powerpoint. Today was also my birthday!
today we took a test on the greek movie we watched in  the previous days. It was really hard, i didnt think i passed at first but i did. i got a 83!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

watched the movie

  • pricles
  • the figure associated with bringing democracy
  • he waned to the recunstruct the giant hillin the middle of athens
  • he wanted to builed a parthenon
  • a parthenon is a building
  • it was a gsant tribute to the godess athena
  • this prject required 20,000 tons of marble
  • it took 15 years to builed
  • inside it has a giant statue of athena
  • the building represents the first town with democracy
  • they had oney cming from surrounding colonies and leagues
  • they had taxes back then
  • aspasia was pricles wife
  • he divorced his fit wif for apasia
  • pricls treated aspasia as an equao,no a lesser women
  • she wrote his speechs
  • she was invited to participate in conversations and choices in the town
  • the worlds first theatre was in apocoles
  • the greeks invented drama
  •  odeipetus was taken from his parents
  •  he acheived greatness 
  • mythical
  • he defeated the sphinx
  • little did paraicles know he would gring undespute terror to his city
  • huberus- arrogance and pride
  • he declared war with sparta,the only other city state with enough power ot beat the athineans

Thursday, March 17, 2011

watched a video

  • rich people use to compete agaisnt rich people
  • then it amounted to anyone being ble to fight
  • 40,000 people came to these competitions and duels
  • winning a competition would be the highlight of his life
  • women could not compete
  • isagoris was at stake for power
  • he would of turned athens into a subject state for sparta
  • the ordianr people fought the spartans
  • the ordinary people won
  • clisenties imvented deomcracy
  • ordinry people and the rich people could vote
  • every nine days they would vote on things such as road building and taxes
  • pheidippeds ran 142 miles in 2 days to deliver the good news
  • hopoligthts werre professional soldiers
  •  6,000 persians were stugltered and defeated

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Watched a movie

  • 508 bc- in athens the ordinary people turned on their rulers.
  • clistenies-a athenian ruler who let the ordinary people have freedom
  • 570 bc was when clistenies was born
  • aristocrat-born to rule, born into wealth and money
  • acropolis where athens was founed 
  • readin and writing was rare
  • life expenticy was 15 years or less
  • common athenians lived under the rule of the aristocrats
  •  the whole country was in the hands of a few people
  • the commmon athineans had no part in anything
  • greece was divided into countless regionds called city-states
  • they all had different rulers
  • it was not one big country 
  • they fought and could not get along
  • they mostly spoke the same language
  • worshiped the same gods
  • they just didnt get along
  • they competed ships 
  • corinthians domiated most nations
  • sparta had miliatry and could conquer all of the regions greece
  • they were raised under disapline and war
  • born to fight
  • they were seperated from their family
  • they only had a few things other then their weapons
  • most of sparta was destined to die, cuz death wasnt as bad as the life they were living
  • they conquerd all of the surrounding regions
  • sparta was always a threat
  • Arete
    virtue-and excellance
    epics-narrative poems celebratating heroic deeds
    myths were created to explain creation
  • homer wrote the illiad and the oddesy 
  • tyrant-ruler
  • pisistratus was clisetnies brother-in-law
  • he was not a bad tryant 
  • he came in and took over with the protection of the godess

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


  • very mountainess
  • Aproximately 1,400 islands in the Angean and lonian seas
  • location shaped its culture
  • skilled sailors
  • poor natural resources
  • difficlt to unit the Anciant Greaks becuase of the terrain'developed small,independent comunities.
  • aproximaltey 205 suitlable for farming
  • dertile valleys cover 1/4 of the peninsula
  • becuase g geogrphy the grrek diet consists of grains,grapes and olives
  • lack od resources most likely led to greek colonization
  • temperatures range from 48 in winter to 80 in the summer
  • its modern
  • its temprate
  • began ariyb 2000 bc
  • located ob a rocky rdge and proteected b a 20 feet wall
  • dominbated greece from 1600-1200 bc
  • 1400 they invade crete qnd  mnioan culture and language
Culture in decline
  • around 1200 bc sea people bagan t invade mysenea  and burnt after placeth dorians moved into the war-torn region
  • far less advanced
  • economy collapsed
  • writingdissapeared for 40 years there  
Homer and myths
  • stories passed with oral presentation
  • homer lived ingreak dark aeges
  • Recorded the stoy of the trojan war lliad and the odessy
  •  homer was blind
virtue-and excellance
epics-narrative poems celebratating heroic deeds
myths were created to explain creation
-zeus: leader of the gods
-hera: zeus' wife
-Athena: godess of wisdom

Friday, March 11, 2011

watched a movie

The movie we watched was about the  Greeks. The movie talked about Athens. The life expectancy at births was 15. The Corinthians dominated ancient Greece. Spartans, from birth, were to be soldiers .  Spartans conquered mace then 4,000 square miles. The Greeks inspirations were their past and myths. They were inspired to keep fighting against  The Spartans.Greece was in the middle of many great civilizations.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


today we reviewed our quizzes that we took on papua new guinea

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Today we rapped our songs we had to do for homework. Then we talked bout the new things happening in egypt. Egypt just got rid of their leader nad this is the first time this as ever happend in Egypts history.We also watched a video on egypt,called gigi's revolution.
Egypt is where the pharos used to be,
You can find it near the Mediterranean Sea,
The most famous pharaoh, was prob king tut,
He ruled for 9 years, say wut say wut.
The Nile was Egypt’s form of transportation,
It was easy to access for its prime location.
You could travel 4,000 miles down the Nile,
Just warning you now it would take a while.
There's also a half lion man named Mr. Sphinx.
If you get too close he really stinks.
Because he's 350 decades old.
And, he's covered with algae, fungus and mold.
The pyramids were tombs for the royal and the rich
They deserved more than just a shovel and a ditch
The Scribes would write, the nobles ruled.
Egypt’s were it’s at, fool!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day-9 Egypt

Pharohs and Pharisees

  • Life with Pharos was filled with murder,power,glory,and deciet.
  • King tut was one of the most famous pharos of acient egypt. 
  •  Pharaohs were considered to be both divine deities as well as mortal rulers.
  • 170 or more rulers reigned over the great land of Egypt during a three thousand year time span. 
  • The pharaoh was the political and religious leader of the Egyptian people, holding the titles: 'Lord of the Two Lands' and 'High Priest of Every Temple'.
  • As 'Lord of the Two Lands' the pharaoh was the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt. He owned all of the land, made laws, collected taxes, and defended Egypt against foreigners. 
  • As 'High Priest of Every Temple', the pharaoh represented the gods on Earth. He performed rituals and built temples to honour the gods.
  • The title pharoh comes from the greek languageThe first real king of egypt was Nenes
  • He ruled around 3100 bc.
  • The word Pharoh means house,and is also reffered to a place in ancientEgypt.
  • Pharaohs spent most of their lives preparing for their death.
  • THey belived in afterlife
  • Lots of pharpohs went to war to fight for land.
  • In death the Pharoh would become one with osiris, god of the dead.
  • Passing on his sacred powers to his son the new pharoh would represent Ossiris' son, Horus.
  • pharohs were buried with their most prizzed possesions so they could have them in their afterlife. 
  • Several women ruled as pharohs of egyptThree great non-consort queens of Egypt Hatshepsut, Sobeknefru, and Twosret, Hatshepsut and possibly others took the title pharaoh in the absence of an existing word for "Queen Regnant"
  • The pharaoh also wore a striped headcloth called the nemes.\
  •  The Egyptians saw the pharaoh as the mediator between the realm of the gods and the realm of humans.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day -8 .........took aQuiz

Q. Describe Jarred Diamonds theory of geographic luck.

    Jared Diamond,a professor at UCLA,made a theory that civilizations depend of geographic luck. He doesn't mean that that's the only thing they dip end on, but that's a big part of a civilization.

    Being geographically blessed is a good thing for a growing civilization. Papua New Guinea was geographically blessed. They are and island with provides water, and less intruders trying to invade their land. Another feature is that they have many animals and plants that help them survive. For example, deer for food and trees for
 sago. Also they didn't have to worrying about sharing or fighting over land. Another geographically blessed place is the fertile crescent. They had the right climate for growing crops. They had a lot of animals and large Fields for farming. The fertile crescent is even better the Papua New Guinea geographically.

    Being geographically blessed is a wonderful thing, they also have negatives. Papua New Guinea is an island so they are farther away from some countries. Being farther away is a negative because you cant advance technologically if your neighboring country is. Being closer is crucial because of the lack of advancement for the New Guineans.
  The fertile crescent, on the other hand had barely and negatives except for one. This negative is huge and threatening to civilizations. This negative was volcanic eruptions. The people of the fertile crescent quickly moved on when volcanoes started to erupt. But other then that the natives of the fertile crescent were very blessed.
    Jared Diamonds theory is very true and things support his theory but there can be some flaws to his theory. The theory of being geographically blessed is huge for striving settlements.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Today we presented some projects. THese projects were either powerpoints,paragraphs,or prezis. THe projects were on the movie Guns ,Germs,and Steel. THe main points of the projects were the people of Papua New Guinea.

notes on first project- 
gdp growth rate- 6.2 percent
gdp-14.93 billion
gdp per capita-2,500 $
They export oil,gold,silver,copper,logs,palm oil,cofee,crayfish,and cocoa.
They import machinery,food,chemicals,oil,and technology. 
they mine gold,copper,silver,crude oil,petroleum,copra crushing,wood chop,tourism,palmoil
They speak- tok pisin,Enlgish,Hiri Motu, and around 80 more different kinds.
 religions- catholic,baptist,protestant. Mostly revolved around christians.
communications- 3 radio stations.
900,000 cell phones
60,000 landlines
they have satellite and cable
125,000 internet users.
563 airports
9,349 km of roads.
2 heliports
they are developing really fast

random notes-
Jarred Diamond is a professor at UCLA

jobs,hobbies,things he does-
bird watcher
best selling author

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

day - 6

Today we had a substitute and we watched Guns,Germs,and Steel. Today's part of the movie talked about domestication of certain animals. Scientists talked about what kind of animals are easier to domesticate. Crucial requirements of a domesticated animal is,must get along with humans,plant eater,and animals that mature fast.

The people of the fertile crescent were geographically blessed. They had the best crops and animals. They also had the perfect conditions to take care of these things. The people of the Fertile crescent had the most modern houses of there time. They had ways to have a steady airflow and they decorated there houses. These people were able to developed new technologies.They invented things to make their lives more easier. They also learned how to use fire. They used it with food,warmth,and any other kind of thing to help them grow. This sounds like nothing now,but back then it was crucial to life.

research i did in class-

literacy rate- definition: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 57.3%
male: 63.4%
female: 50.9% (2000 census)

GDP per capita- $2,500 (2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 176
$2,400 (2009 est.)
$2,300 (2008 est.)
note: data are in 2010 US dollars

6,064,515 (July 2010 est.)
country comparison to the world: 105

Roman Catholic 27%, Evangelical Lutheran 19.5%, United Church 11.5%, Seventh-Day Adventist 10%, Pentecostal 8.6%, Evangelical Alliance 5.2%, Anglican 3.2%, Baptist 2.5%, other Protestant 8.9%, Bahai 0.3%, indigenous beliefs and other 3.3% (2000 census)

Tok Pisin, English, and Hiri Motu are official languages; some 860 indigenous languages spoken (over one-tenth of the world's total)
note: Tok Pisin, a creole language, is widely used and understood; English is spoken by 1%-2%; Hiri Motu is spoken by less than 2%


today in class i worked with Mark and Madi. We sytarted to make a power point on Papua New GUinea. We cover major points such as their language,literacy rate, and other facts. Also we compared these facts to other countries. In comparison Papua New Guinea is very behind, just like Mr.Diamond said.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day- 4

In class we continued to watched Guns,Germs,and Steel. We also continued to learn about domesticated animals. To review back to yesterday we were talking aboutthe 14 kinds of animals that have been domesticated. Each animal that is domesticated can provied either food or labor. These fourteen animals were the first to be domesticated.

ANimals such as horses are very usefull to modern day farmers. They can till the land or other work, but they can do more then the average human. They can till mnore land, then an average human, creating a surplus of food. If they create a surplus humans dont have to worry about not having enough food.

All these surrounding countries were becoming more advanced, but the New Guinea natives were not. Jarred diamond says when he went to papua New Guinea in the 60's , the natives where still using rocks to hekp make food. While New GUinea was not advancing like other countries, they did have some things other countries didnt. They were an island, they didnt ave to worry about sharing land with neigboring countries. Before the were intruded by outsiders they had a great life. They hunted there own food, they pretty much did their own thing all the time.

When the animals and fertile crops reached eygept there was a hyuge advance in settlemnts. There were so many crops and animals they had enough to feed the pharos and officals more then they needed,not having to worry about not having food.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day -3

Today we continued to watch the movie Guns,Germs,and Steel. Yesterday we left off on the topic of farming,working,and gathering. We Also learned about how archaeologists found one of the earliest settlements located in Papua New Guinea. Today in the movie we learn about animals. The natives yous the animals for milk, clothing,and meant. They also used waste made by the animals as a fertilizer to grow crops. Goats and sheep were the first animals to be domesticated my people.  Pigs and cows were the next to be domesticated by people. Ox and horses were the most powerful "machines" on the planet at the time. You could train them,make then work,and also for transportation.

  In new guinea they never used plows because they didn't have  a large animal to plow for them. The largest animal they had was a pig. The pig cant really supply much for the natives. The pigs cant supply milk, like the goat, they don't have muscle, so they cant plow, and they cant domesticate it well, because they train well. They did have larger animals such a deer, but deer cant be domesticated like other animals.

    Many animals were domesticated but they were not practical for farming. A crucial characteristic of a farming animal is that it must get along with humans. Another characteristic would be that it should be a plant eater. Also

14 of the first animals to be domesticated by humans (used for farming):
 2 types of camels
water Buffalo
rain deer
bally cattle

animals that were domesticated but are really not practical for farming:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day- 2

Today we continued to watch the movie Guns,Germs, and Steel. This part of the movie was about  Jarred Diamoned studying the hunting ways of the natives of Papua New Guinea. The women gather the foods. They often gather sego, a food that comes from a tree. Each tree can produce 70 pounds of sego. The also gathered wheat from Fields. The men hunt food. They often hunt deer  or elk in the forest near their village.

  Another part of the movie was about the island having one of the earliest settlements in the world. Archaeologists conclude that this is the first time people ever settled together in one place. This was a time of scarcity. This is were farming came from because they started to grow their own food. The planted fields of wheat and barley. They often moved where there was a source of water. They used every thing they had to make their lives better. For example they used sego from the trees but also used the bark and wood for other things.  Archaeologists say that there has been farming for more then 1,000 years before others discovered farming.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

day- 1

Today we talked about the difference between western civilization and human geography and we also made a new blog. We also watched a movie called Guns, Germs, and Steel. It's a movie about a professor named Jarred Diamond who is working in Papua New Guinea studying birds. When study birds he also started studied the people of Papua New Guinea. He first started studying the people of New Guinea when a native asked him “why do you white man have so much cargo,and we have so little.” That got Jarred thinking of why they have so little things. Why are they so undeveloped compared to the Americans?